He debuts and becomes a member in " Tracker Joins the Pups!". Tracker: A sensitive potcake dog with super hearing capabilities who lives in the jungle and a bilingual puppy.Her call-outs are "Ice or snow, I'm ready to go!" and "Off the trail, Everest won't fail!" She appears in the opening theme from season three onwards. She first joins the team in "The New Pup". She lives at the snowboarding resort of Adventure Bay.

He debuts in " Pups Save Ryder's Robot" and becomes an official member in " The New Pup". He has the duty of driving the PAW Patrol's multi-member vehicles: the PAW Patroller, the Air Patroller, the Mission PAW Cruiser and the Sea Patroller.
He is a big eater who likes to crack jokes, often relating to his love of eating. Rubble: The gruff-looking, but sweet and athletic English Bulldog with the skills of a construction pup.

His main call-outs are "Don't lose it, reuse it!" and "Green means go!" He hates water and is often hesitant to carry out water-based missions, unless it involves using his scuba suit or becoming a merpup. He drives a recycling truck that transforms into a tugboat. Rocky: The aquaphobic, but enthusiastic and resourceful mixed breed with eco skills.Her main call-outs are "This pup's gotta fly!" and "Let's take to the sky!" ("Oh me, oh my!") She drives a pink and silver helicopter with a harness in the back. Skye: The graceful, cute, and smart cockapoo with the skills of a pilot who serves as the aviator and air rescue pup of the team.His main call-outs are "I'm fired up!" and "Ready for a ruff, ruff rescue!" He always causes a humorous mishap when the PAW Patrol pups try to enter the Lookout elevator. He drives a fire truck that transforms into an ambulance. Marshall: The clumsy and big-hearted Dalmatian who serves as the team's firedog and medic.His main call-outs are "These paws uphold the laws!" and "Chase is on the case!" He is the second-in-command of the PAW Patrol. He drives a blue police truck that transforms into a super spy truck. Chase: The mature and serious German Shepherd with the skills of a police dog, traffic cop, and super spy.His catchphrases are "Whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!" and "No job is too big, no pup is too small!" He lives with the six original pups at the Lookout. His job is to give the pups mission instructions and to build their equipment. Ryder: A ten-year-old human boy who is the leader of the PAW Patrol.